Peanuts: 1 Cup
Besan (Chickpea flour): 1/2 cup
Hing ( Asafoitida): 1 pinch
Salt: to taske
Oil: to fry
Chat masala: 1 tsp
Red chilly powder: 1 pinch
Mix besan, salt, hing together with some water to make a thinck paste. When mixed in well, put in peanuts to it. keep the bacter aside for 5 minutes. Heat oil (put in some salt to make the fried items crispier and if you dont want the fried items to absorbe much of the oil pour in half lemon while adding the oil and stand back while heating as the oil would pop hard ) then deep fry the marinated peanuts. When fried. In a vessel put in red chilly powder and chat masala. Mix well. Put in the prepared peanut pakoda and mix so well as to equal distribution of masala's on pakodas. Serve.
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