Bengal gram: 1.5 cup (soaked overnight)
Raw banana: 1
Coconut: 1/2 scraped
Pepper cons: 1 tblsp
corriander powder: 1 tblsp
Turmeric: 1/4 tsp
Cummin seeds: 1 tsp
Salt: as req.
Preassure cook bengal gram and raw banana( diced) till splits appear on the bengal gram. [ After 1 whistle on high flame, 3to 4 whistles on sim flame]. The meanwhile in a mixure, blend in coconut, peppercons, turmericpowder, jeera, corranderpowder. Just mix them in so as to crush the peppercons and the mixture to mix in well and dont make a fine paste. When the preassure cooker lid is removed pour the mixture to it and let it cook. Garnish with a little curryleaves and a tsp of oil.Serve!
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